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Woop-de Doo (work'a in'a progress'a)

Food. My favorite thing. I am sure many share the same sentiment.
We do not just eat, we enjoy.
And so does he.
He, who bears white hollow eyes. A tall figure indeed.

Our story begins at around 7 PM, timezone Pizza, somewhere in Hell.
He was driving his vehicle home from work. Not a Ferrari, Lambourghini, or even a Gucci or a Rolex... It was a bicycle.
Now, on a busy street, he had an urge.
The urge to eat.


His stomach was thirsting for a burger. It had to be a burger, for He felt like eating one today.
Funny, the busy street happened to be home to the final frontier.
Doning a big sign saying "Home of the Woopers", with a wooping 2 drive thrus.
A place like any other... But not for Him.

The one and only, genuine original family band Burger Queen!