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Photos of Frivolous Things

Here, you can view some of my most prized possessions. Some are expensive. Others are dumb. But most importantly: I brag about them.
No products shown here are for sale. If I ever make the unfortunate decision of buying Windows Vista, then I'll unfortunately not sell it, meaning you will have to pay $500 for it online.

This is a game. There is no other text discussing this game on this site. This site being my site. Well, I'm glad I took this photo.
There is also a PS3 version.
When I feel like taking photos, I post the newest belongings at the bottom. Moving on.

Totally not related, here is a rhythm game starring our favorite underage pop idol. It cost 30 something; a sensational prize.
Do you own a PSP? Press × to doubt.

Back of the unreasonably tall PSP cover. As you can see, this game has SFW lesbians. Included within the case are an instruction manual and some ads.

Finally, here is the game in action. Title screen. Dancing silhouettes. This was developed by SEGA.

The first game. Brand new. Manual included. Batteries not.
More to follow.